Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Preventing Frustration through Avoidance of Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance is the result of Data, Information and Sensory Input flows being disharmoniously processed in the brain under the influence of the following exogenous variables :-

Previous          learning           that are gathered
Memories                                   that can be recalled
Expectations                              that one cherishes
Beliefs                                          that are imbibed
Fantasies                                     that one dreams about
Values                                          that are nurtured in upbringing
Attitude                                       that are developed
Personality                                 that is generated as a result of all above variables       

The Dissonance results in personality seeing the Dark side of everything; the consequence of which is wrong action, faulty interaction and violent reaction culminating into Frustration which is the embryo of failure.

Frustration can be briefly classified in three different ways:

1)      Resource Frustration
2)      Non Achievement Frustration
3)      Comparative Frustration

Resource Frustration is a defense mechanism which all humans use as a justification for non-performance. Effective management is based on optimization of resource, which is the most misunderstood term in Management. All of us view resources as facilitation hence the frustration whereas Resource should be understood as constraints within the framework of which one must perform. If we learn to view Resource as constraint and use optimization principle then this frustration can be avoided. The Mantra is Innovative Thinking and Productive Creativity.

Non Achievement Frustration is the next hierarchical order of frustration. If positively viewed it can result into a stepping stone for success else it will result in fear of failure and avoidance of participation. ‘The Man who fears to begin’ is the apt example of Non Achievement Frustration and will eventually suffer from PHOBOPHOBIA – fear of the fear or fear of unknown.

The mantra for avoiding Non Achievement Frustration is to have Right Attitude, Self Belief, High Expectations, Correcting Mistakes of previous learning and fantasizing success through Right though and correct action without sacrificing values.

Those who see the seeds of failure in success are humble.
Those who see the seeds of success in failure are hopeful.

Let us endeavor to become humble and hopeful citizens of this great country.

Comparative Frustration is the highest degree of frustration with a strong Intensity which has only one Incidental destination – Failure.

‘Bhala uski kameej mere kameej se safeed kaisi’

The old Ad campaign breeds comparative frustration. I once gave a promotion with increment to a junior officer who was more qualified. Another experienced officer came to me with a complaint that I have more experience and work like a donkey for 10 hours everyday on an average and yet you promoted a relatively junior person. I humbly replied that you have answered your complaint unknowingly. I advised him that I want people to work like human beings and not donkeys. I then counseled him about comparative frustration and lessons from Bhagwad Gita. He took it positively and next year he also got back his smile and I gained his permanent respect towards me.

Comparative Frustration is caused by exogenous variables playing havoc with Data, Information and Sensory Inputs processing in brain leading to cognitive dissonance. Such a dissonance is permanent and a human being suffering from comparative frustration will change his intellectual asset into behavioral liability and will become a Set Ass ( anagram of Assets) toppling the Balance sheet of professional career and personal life.

So My humble request to one and all is learn to develop will power to overcome comparative frustration by using the Old Adage :-

‘Mera Number Bhi Ayega’

Remember don’t allow small Rifts to cause big differences in life.

In Conclusion:

Failure is a mechanism and success is a process. Failure is like a keyed toy which dances until the spring is tense and drops dud and dead after the spring is relaxed. The word failure starts with letter F- Frustration (key) and Ends with E- Estrangement or Emptiness. The best way to avoid failure is by preventing the nucleation of first letter - frustration.
Success is a process which starts with self direction and ends with self acceptance. It is a ladder of two steps. The first step is Commitment and the next step is Competence. Using the two steps mentioned above the process will lead to Satisfaction and a Gratifying balance between personal life and professional career.

Success (Process)
F    Frustration
S    Self direction
A   Aggressiveness (misdirected)
U   Understanding
I    Insecurity
C   Courage
L   Loneliness
C   Charity
U  Uncertainty
E    Esteem
R   Resentment
S    Self Confidence
E   Estrangement / Emptiness
S    Self Acceptance

Prof. A. N. Khedkar
Dean - Academics
HoD - Marketing

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